Wolfe Vets arranges emergency appointments after normal clinic hours at our 24hr centre in Fulham. Please do not attend the clinic without calling first. Call 020 8167 4477 (Chiswick) or 020 3011 1205 (Fulham) in the case of an emergency. All calls are forwarded to our Fulham 24hr centre when the clinics are closed for routine cases.
Examples of cases that need urgent attention:
- Hit by a car or other severe trauma
- Fall from the roof or higher
- Inability to urinate
- Vomiting or diarrhoea associated with severe weakness
- Collapse
- Markedly bloated abdomen
- Heatstroke or hypothermia
- Inability to breathe or choking on a foreign object
- Animal attack or bite
- Difficulty giving birth
- Eye injury
- Severe cut or profuse bleeding
- Open fracture
- Loss of use of one or more limbs
- Prolonged seizure (time and call out of hours if recurrent or one lasts over 3 minutes)