Sustainability Policy 2024

At Wolfe Vets, we recognise the profound impact our operations have on the environment and are committed to implementing sustainable practices. Our mission is to deliver exceptional veterinary care while continually improving our environmental footprint.


This policy applies to all aspects of Wolfe Vets’ operations, including our clinics, support services, and supply chain. Our goal is to ensure our activities contribute positively to environmental sustainability and societal well-being.


We acknowledge that our clinic has potential impacts on people, animals, and the environment. Through this policy, Wolfe Vets commits to:


  • Complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
  • Mitigating climate change impacts by reducing energy use, utilising renewable energy sources, and minimising our carbon footprint
  • Conserving water resources and preventing water pollution
  • Minimising waste through reducing, reusing, and recycling materials
  • Responsible management of pharmaceuticals and hazardous materials
  • Supporting biodiversity and environmental conservation efforts
  • Minimising our environmental impact and promoting responsible behaviour
  • Enhancing communication and awareness of our sustainability efforts among our staff and clients.


To address these priorities, Wolfe Vets will take the following actions:


  • Monitor and reduce our usage of key resources such as electricity, gas, water, and anaesthetic gases.
  • Conserve and recycle water, protect waterways, and mitigate pollution.
  • Explore opportunities for renewable energy adoption
  • Implement greener purchasing and sustainable procurement practices
  • Implement practices to reduce waste generation, enhance recycling, and manage waste responsibly.
  • Provide collection for unused/expired pet medications and promote responsible disposal.
  • Mitigate antimicrobial resistance and ensure food safety.
  • Advocate for animal welfare, promote humane treatment, and support sustainable animal husbandry.
  • Incorporate environmental and sustainability education and training for staff and clients
  • Explore “One Health” initiatives that promote environmental protection
  • Comply with all relevant environmental regulations
  • Support sustainable transport options and healthy lifestyle choices for our staff and clients.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in sustainability practices.



Implementation and Review


We are committed to continual improvement on our sustainability journey. Our management team, including support managers and clinical directors, will oversee the implementation of this policy and all staff are expected to uphold this policy, with any suggestions welcomed


We will provide regular training and updates to our team members and communicate our progress to clients. This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and relevant.


For further information or questions, please contact our sustainability team at